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Social Justice Wing (SPS)
On class days and school functions, pupils must wear the uniform prescribed for the season. Boys should come to school clean and tidy. Pupils who are not correctly dressed and pupils whose general appearance does not conform to school regulations will be penalized by the Principal/Supervisor.
Pupils who come late for school and those who have been absent on the previous day, must bring a letter of explanation from their parents/guardians. This letter will be first countersigned by the Principal/Supervisor and then will be handed over to the Class Teacher.
Pupils are strictly forbidden to leave the school premises during the regular school hours without the express permission of the Principal/Supervisor.
Irregular attendance, unpunctuality, habitual idleness, neglect of homework, disobedience and disrespect towards the members of school Staff or being a bad moral influence: each and all justify dismissal.
Pupils on their way to and from the school are expected to conduct themselves in a reasonable manner.
Pupils are strictly forbidden to introduce objectionable substances or literature into school or to make purchases from unauthorized dealers in or near the school premises.
During the absence of a teacher from the classroom, pupils must obey the monitor appointed to maintain good order.
Any kind of damage done to the school premises must be made good, and will be seriously viewed by the authorities.
Parents are expected to cooperate in the work of the school, particularly by enforcing regularity and discipline, by showing interest in their children’s progress and by extending the fullest encouragement towards participation in co-curricular and extra-curricular activities. Parents should check the school diary regularly.
Pupils are not granted leave outside the regular vacation periods, except in cases of illness. Pupils who are not present in school on the day of closing and reopening before and after the vacations (Summer, Diwali, Dussehra and Christmas) are liable to forfeit their places. Re-admission may be considered on repayment of admission fee Rs. 500. The names of the pupils who remain absent without written notice for two weeks shall be struck off the school Register. On their return to school, re-admission fees will be charged again.
The pupil must be present on both the opening day and the closing day. In case of absence due to illness, the Head of the Institution must be informed in writing on the closing and the opening day, whichever is applicable.
A pupil who has been suffering from or who has been in contact with any infectious disease must produce a certificate (from a competent authority) that he may attend school without risk of conveying infection to others.
Only those pupils who have paid all school fees at the time of the Terminal Examinations are permitted to appear for the examination.
Only in exceptional circumstances should private tutors be employed, with written permission from the Principal. Teachers in this school are not permitted to give private tuitions to pupils of their own classes.
Duplicate copies of the Transfer Certificate are not issued.
Pupils must have a minimum of 75% attendance for promotion to the next higher class.
Pupils are not allowed to ride scooters, motor-bikes or cars in school premises, whether it is a school day or a holiday. They are also not allowed to bring mobile phones or FM Radios to school.
No parent is to remain within the school premises after the bell rings at 7:40 am.
Strict measures will be taken if any student is absent a week before the examinations.
Parents are not permitted to meet teachers during school hours without prior permission of the Principal/Supervisor.
Parents are not permitted to enter any classroom.
Pupils may be required to take part in various co-curricular and extra curricular activities and when required to do so participation will be deemed compulsory by the school authorities.
Provision is made for games, sports and athletics.
Pupils must attend games and other activities outside school hours. Participation in some circumstances will be deemed compulsory by the school authorities. Exemption may be granted on a written request from parents. Such exemption should not be lightly sought as games play an important part in the boy’s all-round education.